Thursday, May 20, 2010


At the beginning of this school year, I hated writing essays, but the reason I think I hated writing them so much was because it was always hard for me to chose what to write about and what to say. After the Gilman Method, it has become so much easier :) This is also because we've spent a whole year learning about essays, literary analysis, and how to make a good essay that gets to the point. At this point in the year, I feel very accomplished in my essay writing and I have learned a ton!

I have some things that fall under the "B grade or lower" but I alwyas try to go for the A paper. A few things I always catch myself doing are repeating the same word too many times or saying the same idea multiple times. I also have troubles with figuring out what Im actually going to wrtie about. One of the hardest parts for me is, puting what I think of in my head into words on paper, they always sound so much better in my head, and when i write it or say it outloud it makes no sense whatsoever.


  1. i have some of the same troubles

  2. I have the same issue with repeating the same words and ideas over and over again.
