Thursday, May 20, 2010


At the beginning of this school year, I hated writing essays, but the reason I think I hated writing them so much was because it was always hard for me to chose what to write about and what to say. After the Gilman Method, it has become so much easier :) This is also because we've spent a whole year learning about essays, literary analysis, and how to make a good essay that gets to the point. At this point in the year, I feel very accomplished in my essay writing and I have learned a ton!

I have some things that fall under the "B grade or lower" but I alwyas try to go for the A paper. A few things I always catch myself doing are repeating the same word too many times or saying the same idea multiple times. I also have troubles with figuring out what Im actually going to wrtie about. One of the hardest parts for me is, puting what I think of in my head into words on paper, they always sound so much better in my head, and when i write it or say it outloud it makes no sense whatsoever.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


One book I would like to read this summer would be Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. His books are sooo good! I just read The Last Song and it was amazing, as was the movie :) I saw Dear John in theaters, and would now love to read the book! Books are always better than the movie. Dear John is about John and Savannah who fall in love one summer, and John has to leave for war. Their love keeps them connected through letters. When John comes back to visit, Shes with another man. The book is definitely a dramatic love story.

Another book I want to read is also by Nicholas Sparks... The Rescue. Its another love story, but adventurous in a way also. A guy whose never been in love or really had a girlfriend and really struggles with finding love. He helps a lady find her son in a terrible storm one night, and on their search they fall in love.

There are way to many book to read out there! But Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author right now! I will most likely read the Twilight series again also, they're amazing too :)

Friday, May 7, 2010


My sign is an Aquarius, and I found that there are two types. One being shy, gentle, patient, and sensitive, and the other lively, exhibitionist, and exuberant. They tend to be active and sometimes like to keep to themselves. We are kind hearted and love to cheer people up and to help them.

I fall under the first type of Aquarius; shy gentle patient and sensitive. I'm shy and quiet when I first meet someone or when I'm not close to them, but when I'm comfortable, I'm not anymore. I also have always been active my whole life! I occasionally keep to myself, sometimes other people think I'm mad or upset but I just like to be quiet and keep my thoughts to myself every once in awhile. I consider myself to be kind hearted, and I love to make people laugh and pick people up when they're down.

I believe Romeo and Juliet are truly meant to be together. Fate brought them together to the same place on the same night. When their eyes met for the first time, you could tell it was love at first sight by the way they were acting. Also, I think this shows they will be together forever because their love for each other is so strong.