Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolution!

My New Year's Resolutin this year is going to be to do better on tests! Ive always done good on the homework and projects but don't usually do very well on the test which brings down my grade. I have all A's and B's but i could be doing better. I've decided that im going to take more time on my homework each night and mkae sure its done correctly and a couple nights before a test and study more for them each night on different concepts, especially this month because of finals coming up! I could also try asking for help from teaches or other students more often specially in math and science.
This year and over the summer, I'd also like to improve in basketball. If I go out and practice my shot, ball handling skills, and just overall basketball skills a couple nights a week when I have free time I could improve and if I work on this all summer and in the off-season then I would be hoping to make Varsity or J.V and be a swing player as a sophmore.